Office of the Jammu & Kashmir State Sports Council
M.A Stadium, Jammu
- Whereas, advertisement notice was floated on 17-04-2017 for inviting applications from eligible candidates under SRO-349 of 1998 read with SRO-376 of 2004 for the quota of calendar years 2014, 2015 & 2016 pursuant to instructions from GAD conveyed vide letter NO: GAD/J&K/Sports/03/2015 dated: 29-03-2017.
- Whereas, 203 applications have been received pursuant to above notification.
- Whereas, representation was made by few sportsperson seeking relaxation in eligibility period for consideration of sports achievements due to the reason that their sports achievements are exceeding the five years cap prior to date of above advertisement notice.
- Whereas the representation of the candidates was found genuine and recommended to Administrative Department for taking up the matter with the GAD for accord of necessary relaxation for consideration of sports achievements of the candidates with reference to the years when the vacancies were available i.e. 01-01-2010 to 31-12-2016.
- Whereas, the issue was considered by the selection committee set up under SRO-349 of 1998 in its meeting held on 17-06-2017, wherein it was resolved to recommend one time relaxation of third proviso of Sub-rule(1) of Rule-3 of J&K (appointment of outstanding sportspersons) Rules-1998.
- Whereas, vide Govt. Order No: 142 (YSS) of 2017 dated: 08-11-2017 sanction was granted to the one time relaxation of the third proviso of Sub-Rule(1) of Rule-3 of the J&K (Appointment of outstanding sportspersons) Rules-1998 so that those candidates shall be considered for appointment for the quota of calendar years 2014, 2015 & 2016 who have secured position / represented in an event / game / competition recognized under these rules during the period from 01-01-2010 to 31-12-2014, 01-01-2011 to 31-12-2015 and 01-01-2012 to 31-12-2016 respectively.
In view of the above, the Sports achievements of the applicants shall now be considered as per the above Govt. Order No: 142-Edu(YSS) of 2017 dated: 08-11-2017.
The candidates who could not apply due to their time barred sports achievements of above period are given opportunity to apply in the office of Sports Officer (K) J&K State Sports Council Bakhshi Stadium Srinagar and Sports Officer (J) J&K State Sports Council M.A. Stadium Jammu from 15-11-2017 to 22-11-2017 during office hours provided they fulfill required qualifications / conditions as laid down in the notification dated: 17-04-2017 published in Daily Excelsior dated: 21-04-2017 and Kashmir Times dated: 19-04-2017. The candidates who have already applied need not to apply afresh.
The physical test/aptitude of the game/sport of the applicants as recommended by the Scrutiny committee of the Sports Council shall be held at Bakhshi Stadium Srinagar and M.A. Stadium Jammu on the dates given below:-
S. No | Discipline | Dates | Province |
1. | Powerlifting, Handball & Rifle Shooting. | 23-11-2017 to
24-11-2017. |
Jammu |
3. | Fencing, Wushu & Roller Skating | 25-11-2017 | Jammu |
4. | Softball, Chess, Judo & Taekwondo | 27-11-2017 | Jammu |
5. | Kho-Kho, Athletic & Gymnastics | 28-11-2017 | Jammu |
6. | Kayaking & Canoeing, Athletics, Cycling, Chess, Wushu, Handball, Skiing & Softball. | 04-12-2017 | Kashmir |
All applicants shall report in the office of Sports Officer (K) J&K State Sports Council Bakhshi Stadium Srinagar / Sports Officer (J) J&K State Sports Council M.A. Stadium Jammu on the dates as notified above alongwith their Sports bio-data from 11.00 AM to 3.00 PM for physical test / aptitude of the game at their own expenses. The candidate who fail to appear for physical test / aptitude of the game shall be dropped as no subsequent test etc shall be held in this regard. No individual intimation shall be dispatched in this aspect to the applicants.
No: SC/1532/9235-42
Dated: 14-11-2017
Copy to:-
- Commissioner / Secretary to Govt. General Administration Department.
- Commissioner Secretary to Govt. Youth Services & Sports Department.
- Joint Director Information Jammu with the request to get the above notification published twice in two leading dailies of Jammu & Srinagar especially Daily Greater Kashmir, Daily Excelsior, Rising Kashmir & Kashmir Times.
- Special Assistant to Hon’ble Minister for Youth Service & Sports for the information of Hon’ble Minister (Vice-President Sports Council).
- Chief Sports Officer, Sports Council.
- Chief Accounts Officer, Sports Council.
- Sports Officer (J/K) Sports Council.
- Advertisement file.
Chief Sports Officer
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