Composition of Council: The Council shall consist of thirty one members including the President and Vice-President, to be nominated by the Government:-
- President shall be the Hon’ble Chief Minister of the State.
- Vice-President shall be the Minister In charge Youth Services & Sports Department.
- Minister of State YSS shall be the Member of the Council.
- Four members from amongst Government officials.
- Twenty four members from amongst representatives of recognized State Sports Associations, Outstanding Sportspersons, Sports Correspondents/Commentators, Well known Physical Educationists, persons of repute connected with Organization of Sports and Games in the State having also regard to the gender.
Functions and Powers of Council: The Council shall have the following functions and powers:-
- To advise the Government in all the matters concerning sports and games.
- To advise the Associations and the sports organizations and to act as liaison between them and the Government.
- To grant recognition to the Associations or de-recognize any association for misconduct, poor organization or defection.
- To help formation of new associations or organizations for the promotion of that sport/game.
- To set up sub committees and to delegate such powers as it may deem fit.
- To issue directions to an association in respect of general policy or any specific matter relating to promotion of games and sports.
- To organize and promote sports activities at all levels in the State.
- To receive grants from the State and Central Governments, to raise donation from any other source and to utilize the funds at its discretion.
- To bring to the notice of the Government any vacancy or vacancies of members in the society or Council with a view to their being filled up in accordance with rules.
- To acquire land for sports purposes.
- To constitute the District Sports Councils or any other organizational set up for the promotion of sports and games.
- To honour the outstanding sports persons of the state and to award scholarships, stipends and financial assistance to deserving sports persons.
- To assist the Government of India and SAI in implementation of their programmes in the State.
- To grant loans to sports association for sports and games events or activities provided that the amount is repaid in one installment within six months from the date of the grant of the loan.
- To regulate the use of grounds, buildings, equipments and the like that may be secured by the Council and to arrange for the maintenance upkeep of its properties and other assets.
- To frame service rules and regulations and other rules for the employees of the Council.
- To add, alter or mend the rules for the smooth conduct of its business.
- To interpret the constitution rules and regulations of the Council & other rules & regulations that may be framed by the Council from time to time.
- To delegate powers to the Standing Committee of the Council.
- To assist in every possible Sports activities in Educational Institutions through the District Sports Councils and Sports Associations/ laying emphasis on the propagation and development of Sports in rural areas.
- To regulate the duties and powers of the office bearers and the Standing Committee.
- To resolve the differences in the Sports Associations by arbitration.
- To do all such other acts and things as may be required for furtherance of sports and games.
- To undertake publicity programmes, highlighting the activities of the Council.
- To recommend the criteria regulating the grants of sports category, certificates for admissions to professional or educational institutions or any other reserved category in employment.
- To undertake constructions activity on behalf of Government Department/Organizations/Central Government / Association etc on agency basis. The projects to be sanctioned by the Council subject to the financial and administrative delegation of authority to the Standing Committee.
Tenure of Office Members & Office Bearers of Council: The Council shall remain in office for the period of three years. However, the Government shall have powers to dissolve the Council at any time it deems appropriate and reconstitute fresh Council. The power to dispense with the individual membership shall vest with the President Sports Council.
A member can be removed with a notice period of 14 days citing reasons for his/her removal and seeking his/her explanation for the same. The President of the State Sports Council shall however have the discretion to accept or reject the explanation so offered by the member.
Composition of Standing Committee: The Standing Committee of the Council shall consist of 11 members including the Chairman as under:-
- Vice President of the Council-Chairman.
- Administrative Secretaries of Planning & Development Department, Finance Department and Youth Services & Sports Department.
- Secretary, Sports Council (Member Secretary)
- Two Joint Secretaries Sports Council
- Four Council members to be nominated by the President
Functions and Powers of Standing Committee: The Standing Committee shall be the Principal Executive Body of the Council and will have the following functions and powers:-
- Subject to policy direction and general control of the Council, to be responsible for carrying on the work of the Council.
- To perform such other functions as may be specially delegated to it by the Council.
- To consider and prepare the programme of work and to suggest to the Council plans for the development of sports.
- To recommend to the Council amendments to the rules regulations and bye laws of the Council if any.
- To frame service rules for the Council employees subject to the approval of the Council.
- To sanction grants and financial assistance to associations and sports organizations subject to any general direction of the Council.
- To lay down the general policy in regard to coaching centre’s, competitions and organization of sports and games and other activity.
- To consider proposals received from Associations for promotion of sports and games.
- To set-up sub-committees as it might deem fit for the furtherance of any of its activities.
- To provide a Sports Secretariat or office at the state and district levels.
- To print and publish any newspapers, periodicals, books or leaflet for promoting the objects of the Council.
- To arrange for the training and coaching of athletes and sports persons and to undertake programme for establishment of training/coaching centre’s.
- To examine and take appropriate action on complaints against Council members/employees or refer the same to some other agency as it may deem fit.
- To recommend to the Council for recognition of an Association for sports and games provided they fulfill the following conditions:-
- Should have been in existence for a minimum period of 3 years and its performance has remained satisfactory.
- Should have a properly constituted Executive Committee elected in an Annual General Meeting.
- Should have a written constitution which, shall not be repugnant to those of the Council and submit a copy of its constitution along with the applications for the recognition.
- Should agree to submit audited accounts in lieu of Council funds and annual reports on the activities of every subsequent year within five months of the relevant financial year to the Council.
- Should agree to abide by all the rules, regulations and directions that the Council may issue from time to time.
- Should agree to deposit the recognition fee to be prescribed by the Standing Committee from time to time.
- Should agree to allow inspection of records, accounts and activities, also to furnish all the information as required by the Council or its authorized representatives.
- Should be affiliated to the respective National Federation/ Association/Board.
- Should be registered under Societies registration Act.
- Should frame its units at all districts.
- Should have atleast 25% Members as outstanding sportspersons and 10% as Women players in the Association.
- Should give equal voting rights to all district units/Associations for electing the executive body of a State Association.
- Should be free from any encumbrances/ disputes.
- To make additional Bylaws if necessary pertaining to recognition of Associations by the Council.
- To recommend the budget to the Council for adoption.
- To accord re-appropriation of the budget breakup subject to the approval of the Council.
- To accord administrative approval to the construction of the projects in case it exceeds the competence of Secretary, Sports Council.
- To fix the rates of travelling allowance, daily allowance, or any other allowance for the members of the Council.
- To frame “Code of Conduct” for players, sports officials and members of the Associations and clubs.
- To prescribe qualifications for recruitment of such posts for which the Recruitment rules do not exist.
- To advise the Council on any matter relating to improvement or promotion of sports and games.
- In case of emergency, to take all such other actions, as it may consider necessary and to report its action to the Council at it’s next meeting.
- To frame bye-laws for the award of scholarships/ stipend to outstanding sportsmen.
- To create or abolish any post (s) of the employees of the Council.
- To allocate special grants to the recognized Associations after scrutinizing their applications which should come to the Council Secretariat. The Associations receiving financial assistance shall undertake to:-
- Furnish an annual statement of receipt and payment alongwith a certificate of the utilization of the sanctioned amount for the purpose for which it was sanctioned together with audited accounts statements within three months after the close of the financial year in which the grants was released.
- Abide by the approved estimate of the item of items for which financial assistance was made and maintain regular accounts clearly.
- Maintain a stock registers showing details of the equipment or articles.
- Have a Bank account in any schedule Bank and the accounts must be operated jointly by atleast two of the noted office bearers viz a viz President, Treasurer and Secretary.
- Indicate the purpose for which the annual or special grant is required.
- Failure to submit the accounts regularly or as per the stipulated condition would render the Association ineligible for grants for the year.
- In the event, the purpose for which the grant is sanctioned is not achieved, the amount has to be refunded within one month from the date the grant is sanctioned alongwith 2% interest (monthly) after expiry of stipulated period.
- The Standing Committee will have right to reject application for financial assistance without assigning any reason to the Associations.
- The Standing Committee will also have the right to make additional byelaws, if necessary relating to grants-in-aid subject to the approval of the Council.
- To categorize sports disciplines keeping in view availability of infrastructure, activities of the Associations at State and District level and performance basis which shall be reviewed from time to time.
“Term of the Standing Committee” Shall be co-terminus with that of the Council.
Meetings of the Standing Committee:- The Standing Committee shall meet at least four times during a financial year. Notice of the meeting should be served to the members at least ten days before the date of the meeting.
Quorum for Standing Committee:- The quorum for Standing Committee meetings shall be five members of the Standing Committee. No quorum will be needed for an adjourned meeting to consider the agenda, which could not be considered in the previous meeting for lack of quorum.
Powers and Functions
President |
- Shall preside over the meetings of the Council.
- Shall direct the Secretary to convene meetings of the Council as and when necessary.
- Shall have a casting vote in case of tie in meeting of the Council.
- Shall have supervisory control over the work and activities of the Council.
- Shall have the power to convene special meeting of the Council.
- In case of emergency may take decision on any important and urgent matters submitted by the Secretary through Vice-President subject to report to Council at its next meeting. Such decision can be taken during the period intervening the meetings of the Council or if for any reasons, it is not possible to call a meeting of the Council.
- May delegate some or whole of his powers to the President and in his absence to the Secretary.
- To nominate required members for the Standing Committee.
Vice-President |
- Shall preside over the meetings of the Council in absence of the President.
- Shall preside over the meetings of the Standing Committee.
- Shall exercise such powers and discharge such functions as may be delegated to him by the President.
- Shall have powers to take emergent decisions and implement them during the periods intervening the meetings of the Standing Committee or if for any reasons it is not possible to call a meeting of the Standing Committee.
- Shall direct the Secretary to convene the meetings of Standing Committee as and when necessary.
- Submit cases of very important nature received from the Secretary to the President for a decision.
- Shall have a casting vote in case of tie in meetings of the Standing Committee.
- Shall set-up committees on the recommendations of the Secretary.
Secretary |
- Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Council and shall have Administrative powers for day to day administration of the Council, subject to its control.
- Shall conduct correspondence on behalf of the Council.
- Shall convene meetings of the Council and Standing Committee as may be directed by the President and Vice-President respectively, and maintain minutes of the proceedings. He shall be responsible to implement the decisions of the Council and Standing Committee.
- Preparation of budget proposals of the Council.
- Shall present the annual report on the work and activities of the Council together with the Audit Inspection report to the Council at its Annual meeting.
- Shall accord approvals and sanctions in the financial matters as vested to the HOD of State Government Departments.
- Shall make purchase of sports and general equipment on the recommendation of sub-committee (Purchase Committee).
- Shall have power to recommend and forward an urgent matter to the Government with the prior consent of the Vice-President and the President.
- Shall allocate grants to recognized State Sports Associations for normal annual activities subject to fulfillment of laid conditions.
- Shall be the convener of all the sub-committees constituted by the Council or the Standing Committee.
- Shall have an office with such establishment as may be fixed by the Standing Committee. He shall have powers to appoint employees upto the grade of Jr. Assistant including daily wagers/consolidated. Other staff including coaches will be appointed by the Standing Committee.
- Shall be overall incharge of supervision and maintenance of the grounds, buildings, swimming pools, indoor stadium etc.
- Shall help the state Associations in forming their units all over the state.
- Shall perform any other duties as may be assigned to him by the Standing Committee or the Council.
- Shall recommend setting-up of committees to the Vice-President.
- Shall sep-up sub-committee (s) as he may deem proper from time to time.
- He shall have powers to affect posting/transfers of officers/officials as under:-
A) Coaching branch upto the rank of Chief Sports Officer.
B) Ministerial branch upto the rank of Section Officer.
C) Ground/Store Management branch upto the rank of Manager.
D) All cadres in press and publicity and inferior branch.
E) Shall have administrative control of SAI coaching centres & Engineering Wing.
18. Shall be over all incharge of Engineering Wing.
19. Shall keep records of sports persons representing the state in Zonal/National Championships, outstanding sports persons showing excellence or representing the country.
20. Shall implement Centrally Sponsored Schemes.
21. Shall route all papers to President through Vice-President.
22. The Secretary of District Council shall maintain the records of the District Council. He shall implement all the decisions of the District Council and make correspondence. He shall maintain accounts and operate Bank accounts for the amount advanced to him by the Sports Council for the activities of the District Council. |
Treasurer |
- Shall examine the budget proposal.
- Shall prepare the annual statement of receipt and payment.
- The Chief Accounts Officer of the J&K State Sports Council shall be the Treasurer, Sports Council.
- Shall function as Drawing and Disbursing Officer of the J&K State Sports Council and shall operate upon the bank accounts of the Sports Council with the concurrence of Secretary, Sports Council.
- Shall have powers to pass bills and vouchers for payment as per approved budget with the approval of Secretary, Sports Council.
- May retain an imprest amount not exceeding Rs 50,000/- in his custody.
- Shall conduct internal audit of all Council Units/Sports Associations and Physical verification of stores.
5. |
Jt Secretaries |
- Shall assist the secretary in carrying out the decisions and supervising the works and activities in respective provinces.
- To function in absence of the Secretary for running day to day business of the office with the approval of Vice-President.